Interested in learning more about the Bible? Listen to this short video of current Highland Crest School of Ministry students telling what these classes have meant to them!

2106 Park Plaza Drive
Springfield, TN 37172-3937

615-384-3327 (Fax)

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM  
Monday - Friday 

Meet our new Director of Missions, Dr. Rob Burdette! Bro. Rob came to us directly from the mission field of Thailand where he served for eight years as a Theological Trainer. We are excited about the leadership and ideas that Bro. Rob will bring to our association. If you would like to contact him, his email is:

Robertson County Baptist Association

A family of churches working together in equipping and encouraging one another in fulfilling the Great Commission.

If you would like to donate to the work of the RCBA, you can send a check or contribute by PayPal.

Copyright HBA